Lake Helen
Student Services Director
Student Services
Math Department | Master of Mathematics
Teacher | Early Childhood Education
Teacher | Early Childhood Education
Teacher | Early Childhood Education
Facilitator | Physical Education
Facilitator| Mathematics
Teacher | Early Childhood Education
Facilitator | Early Childhood Education
Facilitator | Social Studies
Facilitator | Early Childhood Education
Teacher | Early Childhood Education
Facilitator | Science
Facilitator| Physical Education
Facilitator | Social Studies
Facilitator | Language Arts
English Department |Education Specialist
Teacher | Early Childhood Education
Facilitator | Math
Teacher | Early Childhood Education
Facilitator | Civics
Teacher |Martial Arts
Facilitator | Financial Literacy
Teacher |Language Arts
Teacher | Art
Teacher | Math
Teacher |Science
Teacher |Spanish
Teacher |Wilson Certified Reading Specialist
Our schools ensure that their teaching staff meet the qualification standards established in section 1002.421(2) Florida Statutes.
In order to meet the minimum requirement for instructors our schools, must possess at least one of the following qualifications:
• A bachelor's degree,
• 3 years of teaching experience at public or private schools, or
• Special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies the individual to provide instruction in specific subjects.